Sunday, February 12, 2006

A new addition to the Roces family tree

From an email I just got to read:

In case you don't know yet, my nephew Christian phoned to tell me of the birth of his and Valentina's first child, Sebastian Alexander on Thurs. 9 Feb. (instead of 16 Feb. as expected). His maternal grandparents, Habib and Sonia, arrived the day before from Beirut, and his paternal parents, Joe and Marie from Albuquerque, NM via Wash.DC , haven't arrived yet due to a big snow storm on the East Coast. On his father's side he is Powers-Roces-Tatton and his mother's side he is Bardawil.

More details and hopefully photos as they arrive.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Getting things started

I've not had much time to spend here these past 2 weeks. So much so that I have forgotten what I learned about the new system that I was preparing to implement here to help rotate content.

On personal fronts, two weeks ago my wife's cat who is 18+ years passed away. My wife and I celebrated our 4 year wedding anniversary the other day. We're also gearing up to start a food business and want to do another run before the end of the month. I recently got elected to our board of directors at the Coop we live in so that is also taking up a good amount of my time.

We're also in talks to start a non profit organization to help get books to impoverished kids in the Philippines. We've been able to get a publisher on board to purchase the books at cost and get the publisher to do the distribution as part of their book fair program. We just need to focus on getting sponsors and monies for each school so that each child can get a book. If you'd like to assist in this project now or in the future please feel free to contact me about the One Book Project.