Sunday, December 02, 2007

My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken

If you have been not ever read Alejandro's award winning short story My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken, I found it online and cleaned it up and reproduced it here.
My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken
by Alejandro R. Roces

My brother Kiko had a very peculiar chicken. It was very peculiar because no one could tell whether it was a rooster or a hen. My brother claimed it was a rooster. I claimed it was a hen. We almost got lynched trying to settle the argument.

The whole question began early one morning, while Kiko and I were driving the chickens from the cornfield. The corn had just been planted and the chickens were scratching the seed out for food. Suddenly we heard the rapid flapping of wings. We turned in the direction of the sound and saw the two chickens fighting the far end of the field. We could not see the birds clearly, as they were lunging at each other in a whirlwind of feathers and dust.

“Look at the rooster fight!” my brother said pointing excitedly at one of the chickens. “Why, if I had a rooster like that I could get rich in the cockpit.”

“Let us go and catch it,” I suggested. “No, you stay here, I will go and catch it,” Kiko said, my brother slowly approached the battling chickens. They were so busy fighting that they did not notice him as he approached. When he got near them, he dived and caught one of them by the legs. It struggled and squawked. Kiko finally held it by both wings and it stood still. I ran over to where he was and took a good look at the chicken.

Aba, it is a hen!” I said.

“What is the matter with you?” my brother asked. “Is the heat making you sick?”

“No, look at its head. It has no comb or wattles.”

“No comb or wattles! Who cares about its comb or wattles? Didn’t you see it fight?”

“Sure, I saw it fight, but I still say it is a hen.”

“A hen! Did you ever saw a hen with spurs like this? Or a hen with a tail like this?”

Kiko and I could not agree on what determines the sex of a chicken. If the animal in question had been a carabao it would have been simple. All we would have to do was to look at the carabao. We would have wasted no time at examining its tail, hooves, or horns. We would simply have looked at the animal straight in the face, and if it had a brass on its nose the carabao would undoubtedly be a bull. But chickens are not like carabaos. So the argument went on in the field and the whole morning.

At noon, we left to have our lunch. We argued about it on the way home. When we arrived at our house, Kiko tethered the chicken on a peg. The chicken flapped its wings – and then crowed.

“There! Did you hear that?” my brother exclaimed triumphantly. “I suppose you are going to tell me now that carabaos fly.”

“I do not care if it crows or not,” I said. “That chicken is a hen.”

We went in the house and the discussion continued during lunch.

“It is not a hen,” Kiko said. “It is a rooster.”

“It is a hen,” I said.

“It is not.”

“It is.”

“That’s enough!” Mother interrupted. “How many times must Father tell you boys not to argue during lunch?” What is the argument about this time?”

We told Mother and she went out to look at the chicken,

“The chicken”, she said, “is a binabae. It is a rooster that looks like a hen.”
That should have ended the argument. But Father also went to see the chicken and he said.

“No, Mother, you are wrong. That chicken is a binalake, a hen which looks like a rooster.”

“Have you been drinking again?” Mother asked.

“No,” Father answered.

“Then what makes you say that rooster is a hen? Have you ever seen a hen with feathers like that?”

“Listen. I have handled fighting roosters since I was a boy, and you cannot tell me that thing is a rooster.”

Before Kiko and I realized what had happened to Father and Mother were arguing about the chicken all by themselves. Soon Mother was crying. She always cried when argued with Father.

“You know well that it is a rooster,” she sobbed. “You are just being mean and stubborn.”

“I am sorry,” Father said. But I know a hen when I see one.”

Then he put his arms around Mother and called her corny names like my Reina Elenea, my Madonna and my Maria Clara. He always did that when Mother cried. Kiko and I felt embarrassed. We left the house without finishing our lunch.

“I know who can settle this question,” my brother said.

Tenienteng Tasio.”

Tenienteng Tasio was the head of the village. I did not think that the chief of the village was the man who could solve a problem. For the chief was the barrio philosopher. By this I mean that he was a man who explained his strange views by even stranger reasons. For example, the chief frowned on cockfighting. Now many people object to rooster fighting, their reason being either that they think cockfighting is cruel or that they think gambling is bad. Neither of these was the chief’s reason. Cockfighting, he said was a waste of time because it has been proven that one gamecock can beat another.

The chief, however, had one merit. He was the oldest man in the barrio, and while this did not make him an ornithologist, still, we have to admit that anything said always carries more weight if it is said by a man with grey hairs. So when Kiko suggested consulting the teniente, I voiced no objection. I acquiesced to let him be the arbiter of our dispute. He untied the chicken and we both took it to the chief.

Tenienteng Tasio, is this chicken a male or a female?” Kiko asked.

“That is a question that could concern only another chicken,” the chief replied.

Both Kiko and I were taken aback by this replication. But Kiko was obstinate, so he tried another approach.

“Look, teniente,” he said, “my brother and I happen to have a special interest in this particular chicken. Please give us an answer. Just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. Is this a rooster?”

“It does not look like any rooster that I have ever seen,” said the teniente.

“It is a hen, then,” I said.

“It does not look like any hen that I have ever seen,” was the reply.

My brother and I were dumbfounded. For a long while we remained speechless. Then Teniente Tasio asked:

“Have you ever seen an animal like this before?”

Kiko and I had to admit that we hadn’t.

“Then how do you both know it is a chicken?”

“Well, what else could it be?” Kiko asked in turn.

“It could be another kind of bird.”

“Oh, God, no!” Kiko said.” Let’s go to town and see Mr. Cruz. He would know.”

Mr. Eduardo Cruz lived in the nearby town of Alcala. He had studied poultry husbandry at Los Baños, and he operated a large egg farm. When we got there Mr. Cruz was taking his siesta, so Kiko released the chicken in his yard.

The other chicken would not associate with ours. Not only did they keep as far away from it as they could, but they did not even seem to care to which sex it belonged. Unembarrassed by this, our chicken chased and disgraced several pullets.

“There!” my brother exclaimed.

“That should prove to you it is a rooster.”

“It proves nothing of the sort,” I said. “It only proves it has rooster instincts – but it could still be a hen.”

As soon as Mr. Cruz was up, we caught the chicken and took it to his office.

“Mr. Cruz,” Kiko said, “is this a hen or a rooster?”

Mr. Cruz looked at the bird curiously and then said:

Hmmmm, I don’t know. I couldn’t tell at one look. I have never run across a biddy like this before.”

“Well, is there any way you can tell?”

“Why, sure. Look at the feathers on its back. If the ends are round, it’s a she. If they are pointed, then it is a he.”

The three of us examined its feathers closely. It had both!

Hmm. Very peculiar,” said Mr. Cruz.

“Is there any other way you can tell?”

“I could kill it and examine its insides,”

“No, I don’t want it killed,” my brother said.

I took the plumed creature in my arms and we walked back to the barrio. Kiko was silent most of the way. Then suddenly he snapped his fingers and said:

“I know how I can prove to you that this is a rooster.”

“How?” I asked.

“Would you agree that this is a rooster if it fights in a cockpit – and it wins?”

“If this hen of yours can beat a gamecock, I would believe anything,” I said.

“All right,” he said, “we will take it to the cockpit this coming Sunday.”

So that Sunday we took the chicken to the cockpit. Kiko looked around for a suitable opponent and finally decided on a red rooster. I recognized the rooster as a veteran of the pit whose picture had once graced the cover of the gamecock magazine Pintakasi. It was also the chanticleer that had once escaped to the forest and lured all the hens away from the surrounding farms. Raising its serpent-liked head, the red rooster eyed the chicken arrogantly and jiggled its sickle feathers. This scared me. For I knew that when the gamecock is in breeding mood it is twice a ferocious.

“Do not pit your hen against the rooster,” I told Kiko. That the rooster is not a native chicken. It was brought over the from Texas.”

“That does not mean anything to me,” my brother said. “”My rooster will kill it.”

“Do not be a fool,” I said. “That red rooster is a killer. It has killed more chickens than the cholera. There is no rooster in this province that can take its gaff. Pick on a less formidable rooster.”

My brother would not listen. The match was made and the birds were headed for the killing. Sharp steel gaffs were tied to their left legs. Kiko bet eight pesos on his chicken. I only bet two. The odds were two to one. Then I said a tacit prayer to Santa Rita de Casia, patroness of the impossible.

Then the fight began. Both birds were released at the center of the arena. The Texan scratched the ground as if it were digging a grave for its opponent. Moments later, the two fighters confronted each other. I expected our rooster to die of fright. Instead, a strange thing happened. A lovesick expression came into the red rooster’s eyes. Then it did a love dance. Naturally, this was a most surprising incident to one and all, but particularly to those who had stakes on the Texas rooster. For it was evident that the Texan was thoroughly infatuated with our chicken and that any attention it had for the moment was strictly amatory. But before anyone could collect his wits our foul rushed at the red stag with its hackle feathers flaring. In one lunge, it buried its spur in its adversary’s breast. The fight was over! The sentencer raised our chicken in token victory.

Tiope! Tiope! Fixed fight!” the crowed shouted.

Then a riot broke out. People tore the bamboo benches apart and used them as clubs. My brother and I had to leave through the back way. I had the chicken under my arm. We ran towards the coconut groves and we kept running till we lost the mob. As soon as we felt safe, we sat on the ground and rested. We were both panting like dogs.

“Now are you convinced it is a rooster?” Kiko muttered between breaths.

“Yes,” I answered.

I was glad the whole thing was over.

But the chicken had other ideas. It began to quiver. Then something round and warm dropped on to my hand. The chicken cackled with laughter. I looked down and saw – an egg!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Google finds family members for me

I have a google search that comes to me every day via email. It comes several times a day alerting me to the most recent crawls across the web by the very speedy and smart google spiders.

I get lots of information to read, sometimes of Suzanne Roces the student and athelete, Philippines, Orlando Roces the politician, Anding Roces the famed author and columnist, Ding Roces the artist in Sydney, Australia, Isabella Roces the model, Dr. Mina Roces the professor and author in Sydney, Australia, Chino Roces, the publisher, José Luís Roces the businessman in Argentina, Joaquin Rafael Roces the prosecutor in Reno, Nevada, Miles Roces the congressman, and even navel gazing my own Roces Family Website. For some reason Carlos Roces the artist in Gijon, Spain sends me links manually. I never seem to see him in my google crawls.

Most interestingly are the small blogs that pop up from time to time. I've not sent an email or contact to them but I take note of them and will revisit them if I can see an actual Roces connection in their blogs. Sometimes Roces is attached for reasons that aren't apparent and they never come up on the blog again. Other times it seems like a match for a far flung family member that I try to contact them.

My best leads for finding family members is because YOU came here either by search ending or by family member telling you about it. People contact me from time to time, telling me tales of how they are connected to the family or how they don't know their connection to the family but find the last name in their family tree.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Roces Family Tree

I worked on the Roces Family tree last week. I updated as much as I could find and put together in the free time tha I had. My goal last week was to complete the software, and input as much as I could transferring the original Sassy Mae information along with corrections and as many additions I could find and complete.

I encourage other family members to register with the program and take a look around. If you want to you can edit and make changes, but at this time you will need to request that type of access.

Bataan-Corregidor Memorial Bridge

I spent the past weekend in Chicago. The trip was to a gastronomic festival of Chicago Deep Dish Pizza eating.
On the way to the hotel I noticed the plaque on the bridge in honor of the World War II defenders of Bataan and Corregidor including those in the Bataan Death March.

It was an interesting find.

Thursday, November 08, 2007


I'd like to say thank you to those that I was able to speak to the other day to fill in some of the holes of the current family tree. I have finally gotten the impetus to do this, and so I have a few updates for the blog.

I finally reinstalled them. I had taken them down at the beginning of the project because I was having a hard time figuring out how to make the modifications I wanted to make easily and simply. Over the past 2 years I've learned how to code php, or at least how to modify two different forum softwares, phpbb and vbulletin.

Online Family Tree
The past 2 years has seen the advent of some online collaborative tools from wikis to project systems. One of the most pertinent ones for my use is an online family tree system that allows for members of the family to contribute and correct the family tree, and a system for tracking and approving those changes.

I also completed the request of the TV researcher in Manila. I gave permission to use the Roces Family site for the broadcast. In exchange, they will credit the website and the two contributors, Brian Roces and Sassy Mae C. Sumulong, and provide a copy of the show for the Roces Family Website Archives.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Busy summer, but now it's fall

It has been quite a busy summer. I have gotten a new job, I still work in media but now I am working in the publishing business. It is has been an interesting journey so far, I've learned a lot about publishing books and the legal side of distribution rights and territories.

I have received a few emails that I need to return in regards to the website. Someone from South America contacted me and I do need to respond.

Most notably I received an email from a television company who would like to use parts of the site as research for an interview. I'm happy to accommodate someone as best as I can in chronicling the family.

In the early part of the summer, I interviewed Anding "Ding" Roces when he was in New York City. Most recently I visited Los Angeles to interview Maria Elena Roces - "Mayeni" Peak.

There is a new website to unveil soon. I've been working hard on it in my spare time and I've gotten alot of features packed into something that is simple to use. People will be able to attach and share pictures, scans, movies, and text. I'm not sure when I'll unveil it. I'm hoping to get it done before the end of the month, but no promises.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Pipo and Anding in Los Angeles

From The Nepales Report

WE missed the first ever Filipino zarzuela in English, about a sabungero (cockfight enthusiast), in LA.

Here’s a photo of (from left) the youthful Roces brothers: Francisco “Pipo” Roces (85), artist Rodolfo Samonte and Dr. Alejandro Roces (83). Dr. Roces based the sabungero character, Kiko the Cockfighter, on Pipo, who lives in LA.

Fortunately, our friend Zen Lopez, the Arts and Culture Commissioner of Glendale, California, shared this with us: “Director Cecile Guidote Alvarez said that it’s a miracle that Philippine National Artist for Literature Dr. Alejandro Roces’ ‘Something to Crow About,’ a modern zarzuela, became a reality in LA.

“Given our time constraints (only six weeks to prepare), all the hurdles that the group had to go through to get here — up to the last minute, they did not know if they would get their US visas, the challenges putting this event together and accommodating and arranging for a group of 50 people, it was amazing to witness the miracle of the first-ever Filipino zarzuela (in English) unfolding last Thursday, June 28, at the Alex Theatre in Glendale.

“Los Angeles being the City of Angels, we are grateful for the abundance of angels without whose help and generosity the zarzuela would not have been possible. The group felt the warmth and welcome of LA. The cast gave us such an outstanding performance, lifting our spirits and inspiring pride in our heritage.”

Zen, a former Bayanihan dancer and tireless promoter of Pinoy culture in LA, thanks the community’s support on behalf of Dr. Roces, Cecile (executive director of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts), executive producers Susan and Ed Dilkes and co-producer Ted Benito of TDRZ Productions, Inc.

“Something to Crow About” was also staged in New York.

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

LA18: Jannelle So Interviews Dr. Alejandro "Anding" Roces

Please check out the interview of Dr. Alejandro Roces stating change of date of the declaration of independence of the Philippines and then they discuss "Something to Crow About."

Please watch both videos.

Video 1
Video 2

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Roses and Thorns: New York on my mind

Currently showing (June 21 to 24) at the legendary off-Broadway La MaMa Experimental Theater in New York City is the first original Filipino zarzuela in English, Something to Crow About. It will also be shown at the Alex Theater in Los Angeles, California on June 28. The collection of short stories with the same title on which the play was based has certainly come a long way from its origins in the laboratory of my creative mind.
The Philippine Star

It is interesting to note the history of theater in New York City. Although its history dates as far back as the 1800s, it was the beginning of the 20th century that saw the establishment of Broadway as we know it today. Theaters then were not taken seriously and attracted middle class people in search of music, excitement and romance. The 1940s was the era of Tennessee Williams and Rodgers and Hammerstein, who combined the elements of song, dance, comedy and drama in the 1943 smash hit Oklahoma. In 1949, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s South Pacific became a hit and won the Pulitzer Prize for Best Musical. In 1957, Jerome Robbins’ West Side Story, with music by Leonard Bernstein, so captivated audiences at the Winter Garden Theatre. More recent musicals include Pulitzer Prize-winning A Chorus Line, then Cats, known to be the longest running show in Broadway history, Tim Rice and Lloyd Webber’s Jesus Christ Superstar and Victor Hugo’s Les Miserables, which later moved to theaters across the globe.

Off Broadway theaters in New York serve as launching stage for promising artistic productions. Some shows staged off Broadway that were successfully run later on the more prestigious Broadway were Godspell, Sunday in the Park with George and Hair. Approximately 1,500 off Broadway productions are staged each year, selling an estimated 7 million tickets annually.

The US roadshow presentation of Something to Crow About was made possible through the invitation of US theater doyenne Ellen Stewart, founder of La Mama Experimental Theater Club, the launching stage of many world-renowned artists; and Aliw Awardee Cecil Guidote-Alvarez, the show’s musical director, whose amazing perseverance and creative genius made possible this Filipino zarzuela to be performed Off Broadway. Music was composed by Ferdinand Dimadura, orchestration by Nonoy Diestro and choreography by Joji Felix-Velarde and Enrico Labayen. A reprise of the cockfighting dance was by National Artist for Dance Leonor Orosa-Goquingco.

An original Filipino musical with an all Filipino cast shown Off Broadway will certainly make our kababayans in America proud, being another achievement on top of an all Filipino group who conquered Mt. Everest, a Filipino fighter who put Philippine boxing in the limelight, award-winning Filipino singer and actress Lea Salonga who is best known for her portrayal of Kim in the musical Miss Saigon and in many different fields of endeavor from hip hop to aeronautics.

These only show that Filipinos are indeed world class.

June 21 - 24, 2007
La Mama Theatre
The Annex
67 East 4 St.
New York, NY USA
Purchase tickets

June 28, 2007
Alex Theatre
216 North Brand Blvd.
Glendale, CA - United States

Purchase Tickets or call the Alex Theatre box office at 818-243-ALEX (2539).

July 1, 2007
Louis B. Mayer Theatre - Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053 US
Purchase Tickets

Friday, June 22, 2007

Something to Crow About In LA June 28!!!

Los Angeles Performaces of SOMETHING TO CROW ABOUT, June 28, 2007

TDRZ Production presents the Los Angeles premiere of “Something to Crow About” an award winning full length modern zarzuela direct from its first ever off-Broadway performances in New York and from the Cultural Center of the Philippines in its exclusive U.S. premiere. Based on National Artist for Literature Dr. Alejandro R. Roces’s eponymous prize-winning book of short stories, the musical is about the uniquely Pinoy’s fascination with game cocks.

It won the 2006 Aliw Awards for Best Musical (zarzuela) and Best Musical Direction under the direction of NCCA Executive Director Cecile Guidote Alvarez. The musical consists of a talented cast of 40 and bears the hallmark of some of the most fascinating scenes from Dr. Roces’s book marked with wit, humor and satire highlighting the traditional sport of cockfighting as a vehicle to unfold the colorful panorama of customs, heritage, values, religions and even relationships on the social, political and economic life of a typical Filipino town.

Presented in association with the Filipino American Service Group, Inc. (FASGI), the Philippine Consulate General of Los Angeles and the Philippine Department of Tourism.

The musical will be performed in English. Running time is one hour and thirty minutes with one intermission, and the performance is suitable for mature audiences. Photo/video recording by patrons is not allowed.

Reserve Seat Tickets:

Orchestra - VIP $55, $35, $25
Terrace - $35, $25
Balcony - $25

Purchase Tickets online or call the Alex Theatre box office at 818-243-ALEX (2539).

Special Discounts:

Seniors (age 65+) - May purchase discounted tickets in person at the Box Office Window only; must show I.D. with date of birth at time of purchase; maximum of 2 tickets per I.D.

Students - May purchase discounted tickets in person at the Box Office Window only; must show valid current full-time student I.D. at time of purchase; maximum of 2 tickets per I.D.

Glendale Residents - May purchase discounted tickets in person at the Box Office Window only; must show valid current Driver's License or other I.D. showing one of the following Zip Codes at time of purchase: 91201-91208, 91210, 91020, 91214; maximum of 2 tickets per I.D.

Groups (15 or more) - Discounted pricing available through Alex Theatre Group Sales Department. Call 818.243.7700 ext. 216 for information and purchase.

Friends of the Alex [FOTA] - May purchase 2-for-1 tickets via the Box Office Window or Phone; must buy even number of tickets based on the higher ticket price; Box Office Staff must verify patron is on FOTA membership list at time of purchase.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

There is Something to Crow About!!!

I just got back from the premiere of Something to Crow About with my wife. It was an interesting and exciting performace. The show ran approximately one and a half hours. There was a lot of Philippine culture crammed into the time and space.

One of the most amazing things was a blind woman dancing the tinikling.

The above is a photo of Dr. Alejandro “Anding” Roces Jr. and the director, Cecile Guidote-Alvarez. Notice the hand painted barong of Dr. Roces.

I met many Roces family members from the Iloilo side. I also met some of the Roces-Sotelo family.

There are performances until Sunday.
LaMama Theater
Box Office
74A East 4th Street, between 2nd Avenue & The Bowery
Hours: Monday - Sunday 12:00pm - 10:00pm
Annex Theater:
Th-Sat at 7:30 pm, Sun at 2:30 pm and 7:30 pm
(212) 475-7710
Purchase tickets online

Friday, May 25, 2007

Award-winning zarzuela conquers the US

Award-winning zarzuela conquers the US
By Totel V. de Jesus
Just imagine proud Philippine cocks, with their flapping wings of red and black feathers, crowing on the same neighborhood streets where the likes of John Lennon, JD Salinger, Tielhard de Chardin and other world icons had once in their lives breathed the morning air without a care in the world.

It’s possible, if only their spirits remain on those busy avenues.

Something To Crow About, the modern-day zarzuela written by National Artist for Literature Alejandro “Anding” Roces Jr. that won in the recent Aliw Awards for Best Musical and its director, theater icon Cecile Guidote-Alvarez, as Best Director for Musical Production, will be staged in New York and other key cities in the US next year.

“We were invited and booked to perform at La Mama Theater in New York City by no less than Off-Broadway doyenne Ellen Stewart in June 2007, which is also a fitting observance of Philippine Independence Day,” said Guidote-Alvarez, who is also the executive director of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts and presidential assistant on culture.

Other invitations, she added, came from theater groups in Buffalo, Los Angeles and in Hawaii, also targeted for the month of June.

The zarzuela had its world premiere at the Tanghalang Yaman Lahi Auditorium of the Emilio Aguinaldo College, as opening play of the 31st Unesco-International Theater Institute-World Congress held in the last two weeks of May this year.

It earned positive remarks from distinguished members of the audience like Unesco director general Koichiro Matsuura, ITI executive director Jeniffer Walpole, writer Rosalinda Orosa, critic Isagani Cruz and actor Cesar Montano.

“Theater is a social art and meeting of all disciplines. Its success lies in the full cooperation of its varied components like music, lights, set, costume, actors. The awards we got from Aliw are shared with the brilliant cast and the almost volunteer staff, including the head of the Emilio Aguinaldo College theater that made the show possible,” said Guidote-Alvarez,

Something To Crow About was adapted by Roces from his anthology of short stories titled “My Brother’s Peculiar Chicken,” which won the SEA WRITE award. The theme is cockfighting and the lead characters are two brothers: one involved in cockfighting and the other is a writer.

The plot has the older brother Kiko (played by Lionel Guico) earning a living as a sabungero though his wife is against this kind of livelihood. The fighting cocks tend to gain more of his attention. Younger brother Leandro (Joel Trinidad) falls for Luningning (Liezl Batucan), the most beautiful lass in the town.

The conflict arises when Leandro gets into trouble when Golem (Nazer Salcedo) also falls for Luningning. Golem is the bratty son of Don Facundo (Bong Embile), the town’s wealthiest and powerful man. Everything was eventually settled in a cockfight between Don Facundo’s best game cock and Kiko’s peculiar chicken.

Filipino psyche

“The material of Something To Crow About reveals much about the Filipino psyche and our culture,” added Guidote-Alvarez, who was also the founder of the seminal group of radical theater artists called the Philippine Educational Theater Association or Peta.

She admitted that it took a lot of resources to bring Something To Crow About to life. The NCCA decided to produce it through the National Artist Grant Award along with the UST Conservatory of Music. Other theater groups like the Peta, Tanghalang Pilipino, and Repertory Philippines, among others, were tapped to help out in the production through the lending of talents and other resources. Besides the UST Liturgikon choir, the Earthsavers Dreams Ensemble (Unesco Artists for Peace) was also in the cast. Fashion design guru Ben Farrales coordinated the colorful sagala attire done by the Fashion Designers Association of the Philippines featured in the Flores de Mayo procession in the fiesta finale.

On the other hand, the Aliw Award is an addition to Guidote-Alvarez’s string of awards. She has been honored by the Ramon Magsaysay Awards in 1972 for public service, the youngest Filipino to receive at age 28. She also received the TOWNS award, Benigno Aquino Foundation award, Aliw lifetime achievement award in 2003 and a special award in 2002.

Roces was honored National Artist in 2003. He is also concurrent chairman of Philippine PEN (Poets, Essayists, Novelists) as well as the Philipine Center of Unesco-International Theater Institute.

If everything materializes as planned, Something To Crow About will be the first zarzuela to be staged in Broadway. And to borrow a line from a classic Lennon song, “All we are sayin’ is, give Philippine cocks a chance.”

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Something To Crow About

Coming to New York in June. Roces Family members will come to New York City to see Anding Roces' book transformed into a zaruela.

June 21 - 24, 2007
The Annex
La Mama Theatre
67 East 4 St.
New York, NY USA

Based on Dr. Roces' eponymous prize-winning book of short stories, the musical is about the uniquely Pinoy's fascination with game cocks.

Purchase tickets