Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Okay, in a very strange twist, it turns out the my wife Dori may have to go to the Philippines on business. She's the international liaison for Scholastic International. If she does go, I will also as well, trying to figure out how to make it as long a trip as possible, I think I only have 5 vacation days so maybe I can do like the fish and loaves of bread and multiply them.

What this means for me is that in just under a year, I've been to Madrid and then also Manila. Madrid awoke a slumbering muse, and meeting with Gloria Roces roused it into activity. The miscellaneous conversations I have with different family members keeps the interest at peak. I'm trying to contact family members in hopes of getting them to talk to other family members and so on to get the word out in the family. The past month has been a lot of work on this in my spare time. The visit to the Philippines should really get me into stride.

I really need to focus more on this project or at least get a regular work schedule around it. It needs to be more in place then it currently is. I'm 1 1/2 months into this and I really would like to be able to unveil something soon. I don't want to rush anything, it's been a long time coming as it is. I'm just so excited about this project that it's infectious. We are so used to instant gratification with things that I'm drawing on my delayed gratification skills to keep me focused and on track.

I want to be able to meet with as many elders as I can and also meet the newest generation of Roces family members. As details and plans start to formulate, I will post them here.

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